Sunday, August 29, 2010

Mr Panda FOUND... Safe and Sound!

Only a couple hours into our trip home, probably the saddest of my life, and finally some news of Mr Panda... He has been FOUND!!! I am so relieved to know that he is safe and sound in Rosario. I was really worried that my cousin Hannah might have eaten Mr Panda, since she has recently acquired a taste for exotic plush foods (having devoured three furry legs of Zoe's Ms Octopus just last week). I felt a little reassured that there were no squeaks coming from her belly when we left. Mr Panda is not quiet, and would have made plenty of noise if he had been eaten alive. Instead I think that Zoe hid Mr Panda from me - although nothing has officially been proven. However I am just so happy to know he is ok and that hopefully Mr Panda will come home to Buenos Aires soon.

Mr Panda is LOST - Has anyone seen him?!?!

I am packing up to leave Rosario for Buenos Aires and I can't find Mr Panda anywhere!!! I have a sneaking suspicion that my cousin Zoe has stolen him in order to get back at me for playing with her toys this weekend. If anyone has any information on the whereabouts of my dear dear Mr Panda please let me know. Buenos Aires will be so lonely without Mr Panda - and I have finally gotten strong enough to squeak him...

Saturday, August 28, 2010

First trip to the country...

Bye bye, Buenos Aires. I went on a roadtrip to visit my extended family outside of Rosario this weekend... Sooooo excited to feel the grass between my feet (for the first time ever) even though at first I didn't know if I should really be walking on something so prickly. Very quickly I found my country side and shed my prissy city girl manners. Now I am running and jumping and playing with my cousins (especially Ona my Rottweiler cousin). More pictures and info coming soon, but right now I need to get outside and play some more!!!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Ultimo Beso - Buenos Aires' Best Tea House

I loved my first visit to a restaurant the other day. After getting my retractible leash at Amor Animal we headed over to the nearby Ultimo Beso in the Palermo Soho neighborhood of Buenos Aires. Argentina does not have that many propper tea shops, and Ultimo Beso is by far the most girly and romantic. Its shabby chic mix of furniture blends seamlessly with the outdoor area which is pet (and smoker) friendly. Even though it was still technically winter - burgeoning on spring - the garden at Ultimo Beso was green and sported a few early rose blooms in its trellices. My dads had been here for dinner and, especially, dessert several times before so we knew we were in for a treat. All of the teas are paired with a movie that embodies their flavors, and the menu is perfect for someone looking for a light meal after night after night of steaks. Of course we went there for coffee and tea with a dessert (as a snack before dinner). The brownie with dulce de leche and the lemon pie with a marshmellow topper are both to die for... and my dads had both, as always, while I explored the outdoor area. I can't wait for it to be spring to go back to Ultimo Beso for another delicious snack!
***************Pictures Coming Soon***************

Monday, August 9, 2010

First Veterinarian Visit

So today I was old enough to go for my next level of shots. I am so excited to be one step closer to being allowed to run and play in the parks. Now I can go out on the sidewalk by my house and be in friend's gardens, but nowhere public yet. I get the final shot in a month and thenI was happy enough with my veterinarian, he didn't make me cry or anything when I got the shot, but I would really like to find one that is more personal than a pet store on a main street. The loud noises from the cars and trucks makes me very nervous. I think they are the closest ones to my house in Recoleta open Monday - Saturday. Does anyone have any suggestions for me and my dads???

Saturday, August 7, 2010

My First Bath

Finally I have managed to crawl under the kitchen cabinets enough times for my dads to give me a bath! I love the bathroom and sitting in there when everyone else gets to shower and am so excited to finally get my turn in the big tub. Of course it was a little surprising to be put down into so much water but I didn't complain at all. And I was happy to show off how little I am under all of my fur. The picture here is a sneak peak of the video I will post early next week.

********************Video Now Up On YouTube*********************

You can go to my YouTube channel or look below for the video...

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Mister Bunny Photos

As promised I am getting pictures up of my toys... Though I haven't done an inventory yet I am still hunting for a lot more. My favorites also seem to be the most destructible - so they don't last long enough to have their photo taken. These include paper-towel rolls, toiletpaper rolls, milk bottle tops, accounting paper spools, and (for dessert) dulce de leche tops. Mr. Puppy has been in one of my YouTube videos and Mr. Panda was already discussed so here is Mr. Bunny. He is my favorite because I can play with his ears until my jaw gets strong enough to squeak him. If you have any suggestions about pet stores or doggie boutiques please let me know so my dads can get me more toys!!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Dog Days of Winter - Perros in Peril

Winter has come in full effect with gusts from Antarctica blowing into Buenos Aires and bringing with them frigid temperatures. But the shivers dogs all over Argentina are feeling aren't from the cold. An outbreak of leptosporosis, a bacterial disease found in dog's urine, in Neuquen had put over 1000 dogs infected by the disease at risk of being euthanised (the city's council had approved the action). The mayor and city government have said that all efforts to curb the problem without affecting the dog population will be explored after animal rights groups protested the decisions of the city council. Neuquen is one of Argentina's most overrun city having literally gone to the dogs. The city has nearly three times the number of dogs considered healthy by the World Health Organization, and many of them are feral - living near trash dumps and in constant contact with the rats - both of which are responsible for transmitting leptosporosis to the canines. Two humans have been infected by the disease, which can be fatal, but there have been no deaths at present. I hope for the sake of the dogs and people of Nuequen that this gets under control soon and without anyone (on two or four legs) being hurt!

Doggie Fashion

Thus far I only have two outfits but I am going to grow a lot and will definitely be shopping up a storm for clothes and accessories. This is where I will keep a list of all of the boutiques and stores I review as I shop my way across South America and beyond! Hope you don't mind the placeholder for now...

Restaurant Reviews

This is just the beginning but soon I expect to be getting out and about a lot more. Here I will keep a list of links to my reviews of Dog Friendly restaurants I go to with my dads. Hope the space holder post isn't too bothersome...

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Starbarks Coffee Sunday

My dads and I decided to go for a Sunday stroll to Starbucks for a nice morning snack. I am still too young to walk on the street (I get my second vaccine next weekend and then 2 weeks later can finally hit the ground running). Even though we live in Recoleta, and it was quite chilly out with the Antarctic winds blowing our way, we went to the Alto Palermo Starbucks where they used to spend a lot of time before moving from Palermo to Recoleta. While I really like going outside and all the sights and smells, I do not like wearing my clothes for too long. So far I have only gotten a few outfits and I am wearing my favorite here. It is a red fleece lined plaid outfit with velcro straps across my chest and belly - from Amores Perros. I got it a little bigger than I am right now since I plan to grow a lot in the next few months.

After the walk over I was so happy to be in line in the warmth of Starbucks, and I was surprised I was allowed in... but once we got our coffee and snacks the security guard saw me and despite my cutest puppy face possible we had to sit outside. I was not looking forward to a chilly breeze as my dads tried to enjoy their caramel macchiatos, but imagine my surprise that Starbucks has installed heaters in the overhang of the outdoor patio. As we enjoyed our breakfast I was wrapped in a wave of warmth, outside!!! This is definitely a spot to remember and I look forward to more Sunday coffees at Starbucks, or as I like to call it Starbarks...

On the way back I met some other Miniature Schnauzers, including a really handsome boy who is Salt and Pepper like me (or like I will be when I grow up), and Daniel a Pharoh Hound, with eyes like his namesake Prince Daniel of Sweeden, who was wearing 4 layers - he is much more patient than I am...

My thoughts on Amores Perros and their amazing clothes is coming soon, I promise!