Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My First Asado

Just got home from my first asado!!!! What a puppy paradise... There was meat and sausage of so many varieties that everyone tried to feed me, and of course the requisite Argentine beer selections of Quilmes and Stella Artois, as well as a nice malbec from Rodas. I wonder if all asados have such tasty food. Aunt Bonnie and Uncle Mati hosted this asado in honor of Bonnie's brother Morgan coming to Buenos Aires for a visit before they moved to New Zealand. If only we had a parilla at home I would make my dads have asados instead of brunches, but I guess we will just have to be more WASPy than Argentine for now.

Also, in addition to my first asado, I got to meet my first cat! Her name is Polly and she lives in Aunt Bonnie's apartment (the only truely permanent resident). We didn't really get along - but apparently that is to be expected since they say that things fight like cats and dogs. To my great surprise Aunt Bonnie bet against me in a fight against Polly (her brother Morgan, rightly, chose to back me); luckily it never really came to a fight since really all I ever want to do is play, but lets just say Polly knows who is boss now...