Friday, July 30, 2010

パンダ犬氏パンダ - Mr. Panda and Panda Dogs


私は渋谷からの訪問者があった見て、日本は私が興奮して...もよりも早く、私は犬の毛づくろいの最新動向について話をするだろうと思った。私の父親は多くの私の将来の身づくろいの習慣を議論されている。彼らがいるかどうか私は伝統的なミニチュアシュナウザーカットや私は少し異なる(そしておそらく少しともっと女性らしく毛むくじゃら)がに必要がある場合もありますことを確認されていません。私は日本のパンダ犬として見てのエキサイティングなを持っていないがいずれにせよ!日本と中国では犬のパンダとタイガースのような他の動物のエキサイティングなのパターンに私たちの自然コートを変更するに身づくろいの主要な進歩をしている。何もこれらの私たちのこれらのエキゾチックなデザインをスポーツに起こるので、安全のためもちろんすべての最高のゲレンデは、すべて自然の染料を使用します。私はおそらくようになります。チンチラ...またはタイガーカブ!私は2つの新たな、最近氏が子犬に追加する友達を詰め - 氏はバニーとMRを得たので、私は特にこのことについて興奮していた。パンダ!氏パンダはパンダ犬と同じように左に見えます。写真すべての私のおもちゃもうすぐの...


Mr. Panda and Panda Dogs

After seeing I had a visitor from Shibuya, Japan I got so excited... even sooner than I thought I would get to talk about the newest trend in dog grooming. My dads have been debating my future grooming habits a lot. They aren't sure whether I should have the traditional Miniature Schnauzer cut or if I should be a bit different (and maybe a little less hairy and more ladylike). Either way I won't have as exciting of a look as Japan's Panda Dogs! In Japan and China there have been major strides in dog grooming to change our natural coats into the exciting patters of other animals like Pandas and Tigers. Of course for safety all the best groomers use all-natural dyes so nothing happens to those of us sporting these exotic designs. I could probably look like a Chinchilla... or a Tiger Cub! I was especially excited about this because I got two new stuffed friends recently to add to Mr. Puppy - Mr. Bunny and MR. PANDA!!! Mr. Panda looks just like the Panda Dog to the left. Pictures of all my toys coming very soon...

After the jump are some pictures of Panda Dogs and Tiger Dogs as well as a video from Japan about a dog who was rescued and made into a Panda (and now a TV Star)...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

My YouTube Channel is Up

I am very excited to announce that you can now see videos of me on YouTube! I am sure as I run and jump and grow there will be a lot of antics caught on film... The first video (and currently only one) is of me on my first day home getting used to my new environment and new family.

I have included my first video here...

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Munch Munch Munch

I am loving my new teeth... I can't find enough things to chew on! My dads have been trying to find me all the best toys and other doggie goodies. So far, though, my favorite is the top of the milk bottle. We live in Recoleta and as of now we know about the following places for me to find toys

Amores Perros
Amor Animal
Bien Fifi
Canine Couture
Pets and Glam

If you have any other suggestions my dads would love to know about them! Post it in the comments section, send me a message on twitter, or email me...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Hello World

Hello and let me introduce myself. My name is Brigitta and I am a Miniature Schnauzer living in Buenos Aires. I was born just two months ago but already have a lot of opinions (and attitude). I hope you will follow me as I talk about all the exciting things for those on four legs living in South America!

You can also follow me @BrigittaBA on Twitter...